Website Development Oasis TechConsulting Services .

Cake Php

CakePHP is a free open-source rapid development framework for PHP. Its a structure of libraries, classes and run-time infrastructure for programmers creating web applications originally inspired by the Ruby on Rails framework. Our primary goal is to enable you to work in a structured and rapid manner - without loss of flexibility.

Why CakePHP?
CakePHP has several features that make it a great choice as a framework for developing applications swiftly and with the least amount of hassle. Here are a few in no particular order:

Active, friendly community
Flexible Licensing
Compatibility with PHP4 and PHP5
Integrated CRUD for database interaction and simplified queries
Application Scaffolding
Model View Controller (MVC) Architecture
Request dispatcher with good looking, custom URLs



We come from a thought that every organization is different and hence have their specific problemion to cater to that particular area.


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